Have you ever lost passion about programming ? Is it bothering you to lose your motivation to complete your work in time ? If you have experienced it, please don't be upset, the things happen for anyone at anytime.
Imagine that your fire has fade out, instead of wondering why or being desperate, the best way is to sit down and take a deep breath. After all your fire has gone, the only thing that matters is how to light it up again.
It's certainly not an easy task to do, still it is plausible. Don't be rush, you can do it.
Try to read books
Let me restate it: you are not the first developer to lose passion, not the last one to lose it as well. You are not alone in this mission. Millions has faced that problem and they have overcome that. The best thing you can do is try to learn them.
That's why i suggest you to try to read books. Please try out Apprenticeship Patterns of Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye. This book contains full of meaningful advice for all developers that would guide you to the path from a newbie to an expert in programming, how they experience the problems, how they resolve it.
Spend time with your colleague
Make sure that your goal is not to bother other people, drag them into your despair dept nor create a hopeless society. No. The goal is to share your concern, listen to their confession and finally find out what is killing your passion toward programming.
Sometimes it's good to have a mentor. Not only he can be your instructor but also he can play the role of outside pressure that keeps you in the game long enough before you even consider to quit.
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