Keyboard Shortcuts for ubuntu terminal

Terminal is one of the most important parts on Linux operation systems. There are a couple of important keystrokes that you should get familiar with if you plan to spend a lot of time at the terminal command. These shortcuts will save you a ton of time if you learn them. 
Table 1: Shortcuts for positioning cursor
Shortcut Full name Usage
CTRL+ F Character Forward Move cursor forward one character on the current line
CTRL+ B Character Backward Moves the cursor backward one character
ALT + F Word Forward Move cursor forward one word on the current line
ALT + B Word Backward Move cursor backward one word on the current line
CTRL+ A Beginning of line Move to the beginning of the line
CTRL+ E End of line Move to the end of the line
CTRL+ L Clear Screen Clears the screen, similar to the clear command
Table 2: Shortcuts for copy - cut - paste text
Shortcut Full name Description
CTRL+ K Cut end of line Clear the line after the cursor
CTRL+ U Cut beginning of line Clears the line before the cursor position
CTRL+ W Cut Previous Word Delete the word before the cursor
ALT+ D Cut Next Word Delete the word after the cursor
CTRL+ Y Paste Recent Text Paste the recent text
ALT + Y Paste Earlier Text Back to previous text and paste it
CTRL+ C Delete Whole Line Delete the whole line

The blog is sum up by my experience and research when having times working with terminal command line. Hoping this strick could bring benefits in processing Linux environment.

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