PhpStorm MessDetector

Pre-condition : IDE PhpStorm, a Laravel project up and running

Locate your composer.json file in your project and add the following required dependency:

“phpmd/phpmd” : “@stable”

Running composer install and composer update respectively, it will download phpmd into the project directory

Then you access to Setting/Mass Detector and config the file following the path YourProject/vendor/phpmd/phpmd/src/bin.

Validate the file to check if phpmd is working properly. You should get a OK pop up with the phpmd version

The next thing is to activate the phpmd. In the setting tabs, navigate to Editors/Inspections. Then enable the option “PHP Mess Detector Validation”. Also select the warnings and the rules options on the right hand size

Apply and OK we good to go. Now if you want to run MessDetector on your specific project, please open the Code / Inspect Code tick on php mess detector validation and choose inspection scope and run

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